Filed Under (Activity Gotong-Royong, Activity Report, Events, Morning Session) by ScienceAndTechPCGHS on 14-02-2017

On 14th of February, our club organized a ‘gotong-royong’. We were divided into few groups and were given different tasks. Our members fostered a closer bond after this activity was held.

Cleaning the windows.

Sweeping the floor.

Cleaning the school compound.


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Filed Under (Activity Report, Events, Morning Session) by ScienceAndTechPCGHS on 14-02-2017

Correlating the different sizes of the cubes to the total surface area and determining how the ratio of TSA/V affects the diffusion

We carried out an experiment last Tuesday to know how the ratio of TSA/V affects the diffusion. We cut the agar – phenolphthalein into different size and put it into a Petri dish then poured some alkaline solution and recorded the percentage portion which has changed. We enjoyed and learned a lot through this experiment.

The students are separated into groups.

Group leaders are setting up the experiment.

The members are observing the changes of the cubes.

The result of this experiment.

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On the 14th of January, we held our annual AGM at form6 physic lab. This activity started at 1.30pm and ended at 3.00pm. All members were required to attend.The members who are chosen were given a briefing about their tasks and responsibilities. At 3.00pm sharp, the AGM ended successfully and members were dismissed.

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